I promised to keep you all posted, so here are the next pictures of the building proces. It's Academy's Tiger 1 early and i'm converting it to one of the first four send to russia. I painted the turret interior this time and did some scratchbuilding, the turret bin and front mudguards. I also closed the hatch and placed the second pistol port. So let me know what you think. Any comments are welcome, but as recently said it has to be constructive!!!

the workplace
scratchbuild turret bin
scratchbuild mudguard
before painting
after painting, before wash
after wash
what it will look like
and that's all you can see when the roof is on, sniff
the completed rear, as you can see it differs very much from the later Tigers
the new pistol port
that's it for now, next time more about the roadwheels and construction of the exterior