DML 1/72 M1A1 - am thinking of modifying it into an M1A2, "super-detail" it by replacing the sponson box rails and bustle rack with stiff wire of the appropriate thickness, painting it in NATO scheme. If I have the courage to do so, scratchbuild a 1/72 TWMP for it (tanks without a mine plow just don't look right for me hehehehe). Got the kit already and itching to start... but I'll wait for the 14th.

Another is Revell's 1/72 M1A1HA which I'll do as a KVT in the two-tone desert camo. Haven't got the kit - funding a bit *tight* although the local hobby shop has a sale and I'll be going there this Saturday.
Actually, my 1/35 KVT (to differentiate with the above 1/72 KVT project) is practically 90% complete - all it needs is a repaint of the turret's left side, some welding patterns on the empty fuel drums, a MILES belt and the white paint bucket as the faux IR spotlight. Might finish it this vacation. :-)
Turrettoad: Sorry to nitpick, but AFAIK, all the KVTs used in the NTC are straight M1A1s (not even the old M1IPs nor the new M1A2s), some using the old tracks. Using the M1A2 as a KVT is somewhat expensive I reckon for training purposes. My KVT is based on the 1/35 Tamiya M1A1 kit.
EDIT: Oops, didn't read your post correctly Turrettoad. I thought you'd be using an M1A2 - didn't see you mentioned a Hobby Craft M1A
1 which is essentially - as you put it - a reboxed Trump M1A