Great Hummers Shonen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like the 2 figures in the M1025.
I really dont like to crituque other guys work, but tke this only as a sugestion, maybe you didnt know how to do this.
On you M966, here is the way the TOW is cabled. I worked on the TOW for 12 + years and at the beginning of my military career The Ground Mount TOW was all I wirked on.
There are 3 cables that are attached to the TOW. The cable from the TU(Traversing Unit) to the MGS(Missile Guidence Set), the power cable from the NIght Sight to the Vehicle Power Condtioner to the battery. and the cable from the TU to the top of the night sight ( I forgot what this was called , beeen a while). The vehicle power conditioner is a small box that has a switch to turn it on. It takes the 12 volts from the battery and changes it to run the night sight. The small box usually is mounted right next to the passengers seat. The TU to MGS cable runs under the TU through the turret and back out to the MGS.
Hope this helps a little bit.