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But my question is to you guys, would you prefer the whole upper hull corrected, or just the front end (engine deck/crew commanders cupola)?
Cheers Jason
Thanks Jason for the info. Personally I could not make a call either way without first building the PC from kit form, to catch all the parts that need accurizing to my standards (which may not be as demanding as yours!).
My gut feel is the whole upper already provided by Arms Corps Models is superb and if it ain't broke don't fix it sort of thing. Any $$ saved by producing a half hull correction kit might be regretted by the builder when trying to mate the parts later on (filing and sanding the proposed joint would be challenging without loosing detail. So Gut says whole resin upper status quo.
If I wanted to do interior (that is inevitable evolution of these kits) then the level of scratch building required should mean that a mash up is well within the skills required until a Resin kit with scale walls is available.