I have been able to work some more on this over the past couple of days. Here are the results...
What happened:
- some dry brushing with a 50/50 mix of anthracite (Revell 9) and metalic color (Revell 91)
- a gloss coat (Revell 01)
- decals
- another, protective layer of gloss (Revell 01)
- pin washing with a mix of 30% lamp black and 70% burnt sienna oils (my very first time applying a pin wash!)
- some work with pigments (Vallejo burnt sienna), acrylic colors (Vallejo German red brown) and a regular pencil on the exhausts
I especially happy with the way the mufflers look like. It is also the very first time I managed to get 0% silvering on the decals so that's another milestone

By the way... Can someone please translate what the decals are reading? Thanks!

Many thanks in advance for any feedback you might care to share!