While I have little say as to the actual content of Dragon kits,I am often asked to suggest paint schemes and markings for the vehicles for which I provide the box art. My resources are not insubstantial yet I still find myself spending dozens of hours to come up with authentic and accurate information and often fail entirely.
It may seem that there are an abundance of photos of a subject until one actually begins to do such a search. Seldom is the unit identified and even when it is, it is frequently incorrect. Markings are commonly obscured, incomplete or absent altogether. typically there is only a view from one side. And still, more times than is comfortable, an "expert" on any particular will step forward (only after a kit is released) with just what was being searched for. Regrettably product confidentiality prevents an open forum request for info.
Perhaps some researchers are lazy when it comes to sourcing markings but it isn't this fellow. But until someone publishes that book on the "Color Schemes and Markings of Every military Vehicle Ever Produced", it will be thus.
Ron Volstad