So now that the build pain is done on to the paint. This is my first build log and I will take a Brits suggestion and do lots of pics.. hopefully through out the whole process. I might want to mention that I am currently working in Taiwan and living out of a hotel room for the next year. This makes finding model stuff lots of fun as I do not speak Chinese.
So here we go.. First off we have a shot of what was used to paint the Pz III. I forgot to pack the jars for my airbrush so found a cheap top feed brush, it works about as well as you would expect a cheap brush to work. The thinner is some of the hottest stuff I have ever seen. Pretty good odds it would melt the whole tank if I soaked it in it.. yes it even will get through future that has not had a week to cure.

I base coated/primed it with XF-10, I normally use straight black but since this one is going to be dark yellow I figured black would be a touch to dark.

Now to make it ugly as all get out. I am not a fan of the way most do color modulation. I can not get on board with lime green hatches on russian tanks or yellow ones on american tanks. I paint the areas I want lighter with white or in this case yellow so it will show through the final coat. You get a similar result with out the drastic levels that I have seen on some models.

As you can see I am fighting with the cheap air brush, but it all gets some what covered anyway. My top coat is mixed thin so that this base will show through when it drys. I have had better results with Model Master enamel vice an acrylic with this method. It will get a coat of future soon anyway. I know there are those that will tell me the color is not quite right but it works for me.

In the end I think I should have gone with the black. The pics do not show all the color shifts and honestly I think there could be more. I will have to do some work with that in the later stages of weathering.
As always any suggestions or comments are welcome.. and Matt you said lots of pics..