As you all aware, I'm building a fleet of SPG and this is my sixth on the line after the Dana, Type 99, Pzh2000, AuF1 and the K9. The seventh and last will be the AS-90.
This beautiful baby is actually a gift from a friend. My most heart felt gratitude to my friend Paul Bicar who spent alot of money for this kit (£59.99 is not cheap ).
The kit was painted with 2 colours from Vallejo Model Air and 2 Tamiya colours. I used Light Brown and Sand (Ivory) from Vallejo Model Air and Hull Red and Nato Green from Tamiya. The colour scheme is from the RAE 2013.
For weathering, I did it completely new and fresh without even a drop of pin wash but I had to dirty up the running gears a bit as these vehicles were shown going around the demonstration field during the RAE 2013. I also dirtied up the gun as the references photos show them as dirty with smoke stains. The same went for the exhaust.

Well, that's about as much I can sum up about the build. More informations and more photos and bigger ones (4000X3000) can be found on my blog -
There is also links to the 4 parts Work in Progress that you can look at for an detailed inbox build -
Please do have a look and thank you so much in advance for any feedback you guys may have. C&C are welcomed. Just be gentle... LOL.
Thank you for always supporting and for the kind words and various encouragements.
Until the next launch.