this is the truck I am modeling (Aussie Chev) It is a 30cwt (30 hundred weight) Canadian built Maple Leaf Chevrolet. They were inported as cowl and chassis units and fitted with locally made cabs and rear bodies. This one is in Australian green all over where as I will paint mine in the unusual 3 colour camo.
photo courtesy of the Australian War Museum Data base and is copyright to them and only being used for display purposes.
Wisconsin, United States Joined: April 17, 2002
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The one you are scratching looks better than the real deal Lord Roo . Thanks for the pic and the little write up along with it Cliff. This helps me to follow your in progress pic threads on scratching this one. Thanks.
ps: Do they still put the steering wheel on the "wrong" side down there???
Iowa, United States Joined: May 23, 2002
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Steve mate you Americans have got it all wrong. Our's are on the "RIGHT" side![/quote]
have to agree roo, theres only you aussies and us that have it on the RIGHT side,
oh yeah, #:-)
"The machine gun is a much overrated weapon" Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig,Somme,July 1,1916
"Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won the lottery of Life" Cecil Rhodes
Colorado, United States Joined: January 12, 2002
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