As in any other army, the ranks of the panzer crew would depend on the position of the tank within the unit. For example the company or battalion commanders tank, the commander was of course the officer concerned, the remainder of the crew may all be of NCO rank, e.g Unteroffizer/Unterscharfuhrer (SS) or above. In the battalion or regimental HQ section, other tanks would be commanded by the Adjutant, usually a Lieutenant or possibly a Hauptman/Hauptsturmfuhrer at regiment level, the Ordnance Officer, also a Lieutenant, and the RSM/CSM (Hauptfeld- or Stabsfeldwebel/Hauptscharfuhrer). The RSM/CSM wore the two cuff rings of "Der Speiss" on both forearms.
Within a tank platoon, the commanders of the tanks other than the platoon commanders would likely be the platoon sergeant (a Feldwebel or Oberscharfuhrer), the remainder would be commanded by senior corporals or lance sergeants - Unteroffizier/Unterscharfuhrer, as they were in effect the section commanders. Within the crew, the gunner was seen as the 2ic, and a tank commander in training, so he would, even in an "ordinary" tank, perhaps be a Gefreiter or Obergefreiter, SS equivalent Sturmann (one stripe) or Rottenfuhrer (two). The remainder of the crew would be ordinary soldiers, but a Panzerschutze was usually promoted Panzeroberschutze (one star on arm) after 6 months effective service. The loader and radio operator/front machine gunner were seen as the junior members of the crew.
Other insignia depend on the uniform - I note the sheet includes rank insignia for winter uniforms (the green and yellow stripes and oak leaves).
Experienced tank crew would probably all have the panzer assault badge on the left lower breast. Other possibilities are Panzer Destruction badges on upper right arm (the silver strips), and of course bravery awards, Iron Cross etc.
Hope this is of help.