As you all aware, I'm building a fleet of SPG and this is my final entry on the line. The fleet is a total of 7 SPGs consisting the the Dana, Type 99, Pzh2000, AuF1, K9, 2s19 Msta and this AS-90.
I was lucky enough to get it for £15 posted including the metal barrel with the sagged recoil sleeve. I also indulged myself with a Eduard upgrade set. I didn't spent money on the second set which consisted of the basket on top and the grilles. I thought it would be waste of £7.
As you all know, the British Army desert colour is something that is very hard to paint and there is no exact shade available out there. So using XF-59 desert yellow as a base, I decided to play around with the high light and shadow as I know this will be a monotone vehicle anyway. Four other colours were used to play around with the highlights and shadows - XF-68 Nato Brown, XF-72 JGSDF Brown, XF-57 Buff and XF-55 Deck Tan.
For the weathering, I wanted to show it used well enough from the strong offensive as we have seen during the Iraqi war. I also wanted to show a lot of sand and dusts on it to depict a vehicle going through the very harsh desert environment.

Well, that's about as much I can sum up about the build. More informations and more photos and bigger ones (4000X3000) can be found on my blog -
Please do have a look and thank you so much in advance for any feedback you guys may have. C&C are welcomed. Just be gentle... LOL.
Thank you for always supporting and for the kind words and various encouragements.
Until the next launch.