So I went to the local model shop to purchase some paint for my next build, when the owner asked if I was going to the model expo this weekend (it was Saturday at 10:30am). I had no idea it was on,so I grabbed a flyer and thought to myself il go tomorrow and have a look.
Thought about it some more and got the idea in my head I should enter this dio... So when I got home I rang and asked if it was too late to enter a model. They said entries close at 1pm.... I had to get my butt moving if I wanted to make it. I raced up to the local engravers to get a plaque made, took half an hour then I drove to the expo and entered the dio with 15 mins to spare...PHEW!!
I got some good feedback even before I sat it on the display table. Will be judged tonight and awards tomorrow arvo. I was a bit nervous.
So results from the judging. Second in my class (large dioramas), and first place overall novice (first ever entry). So it was definitely worth the rush around yesterday. Met some amazing people, and in the next few months will be joining SAPMA, (South Australian Plastc Modellers Association).