At this time i'm buiding for several month's now on a scratch part of A Gato Submarine.
I'm buiding the last part of the upper construction. The part with the 40mm bofors gun.
Behind the gun build-up for the upper construction. when you look towards it there are two "compartments". One where a tube is placed on the floor at the right side. In the many pictures i'ff collected i can't find any information on the left internal side.
Are there any fellow builders here the can provide me with information about this left side ?
What is placed there ?
Does any one have some pictures of it that he what to share with me ?
The scrach model ( in 1:35, about 25 cm ) is near finished, but this left compartiment is an empty shell.
The tree pics below are from a from a few weeks ago.
to give you all an impression.

all the info you can provide me please send it towards me at the following e-mail adres :
[email protected]