Thanks for the kind words guys! Steven, I have another Stuart in the stash that will be getting more "dressed up". I wanted a simple looking old beast. The scene is of a war memorial piece, similar to what I saw at APG when it was still open, or like you would see at a veterans park somewhere. To be completely honest... this was an experiment build. I hadnt ever done most of the techniques I used, and I refused to spend any money on aftermarket but wanted to jazz up the Tamiya kit with methods I could do from the workbench. It does look kind of plain, but most war memorials I have seen do. The three things I might still do are to add a grandpa and his grandson to the scene, add chocks to the treads to make sure the tank doesnt move, and I might make up a brass plaque in scale and put it on there. But, I want it to stay simple looking,