The entire kit was painted with Mr.Hobby Aqueous as it was the most closest and best colours for the PLA vehicles.
he paint scheme is obviously the digital camo from the 60th Anniversary Parade. The instruction do not show any example of the digi cam and I haven't seen videos of picture of the machine taking part in the parade or with this scheme but I wanted to paint it in the digi cam regardless. The vehicle number is my girlfriend's birthday, July 13.. well, my ex-girlfriend now as of since yesterday (Nov 11). Had I knew that this would happen, I would have put on a different number. Oh well, I guess we just can't foresee things. ''' sigh '''

Much like the ZTZ-99, I used pre-cut masks. I just recycled the masks I used for the ZTZ-99 so as to save valuable masks.
I was going to build it absolutely weather free but I didn't like how it looks. While pin-washing it, an idea struck me - '' what if I weather it entirely with oil? '' and that's just what I did.

Well, that's about as much I can sum up about the build. More informations and more photos and bigger ones (4000X3000) can be found on my blog -
Please do have a look and thank you so much in advance for any feedback you guys may have. C&C are welcomed. Just be gentle... LOL.
Thank you for always supporting and for the kind words and various encouragements.
Until the next launch.