OK, so here we go.. I'll do this review/sprue shots session in a couple of hits because there's just so much plastic to cover!! So, keep checking back as I'll update this actual post for the review rather than add new ones.
So, we begin with Sprue A, covering the main frame rails which are of the typical Maz design with tall angled rails running the full length of the vehicle.
the sprue measures 380 x 120mm and has 13 parts on it.

The detail on the rails is very crisp. This is the inside faces of the rails...

Sprue B measures out at 280 x 150mm. There are 4 of these Sprues in the kit and each contains 69 parts.

Note the row of moulded bolt heads on the top right hand corner of the sprue. This is a nice touch, thank you Trumpeter.
The wheel nut detail is very crisp. It should look great under a wash and drybrush...

Moving on to Sprue C, which has 29 parts and measures 230 x 140mm. There are two of these sprues in the kit.

Note there are more of the moulded bolt heads for you here... also note the tiny wiper blade.. very nice!!
Here's some nice door detail, both internal and external. Nice to see there are no ejector pin marks on these parts..

There are two Sprue D's in the kit, each containing 39 parts and measuring 220 x 140mm overall. The surface detail on the fuel tanks is exquisitely done on all faces.

Sprue E covers a lot of the transmission parts and some bodywork. It is made up of 59 parts and measures 340 x 260mm. Once again, the moulding is sharp and crisp with no signs of flash and minimal seam lines. There are a couple of shallow pin marks on the cab interior wall to deal with, but nothing a drop of Mr Surfacer can't handle.

Note the crisp moulding on the transmission cases here.

Next up we have Sprue F, which measures 390 x 280mm and has 51 parts on it. The rear most body panels are here, along with the massive transverse gas cylinders and rear missile launch pivot structure.

As we can see in this picture, the upper surfaces of those rear panels are very nicely done..

The next, smaller sprue, G measures only 260 x 180mm and has 28 parts on it. This sprue covers mainly cab parts..

The detail on the interior faces of the cab sides is gorgeous, with no visible pin marks to deal with again!!

Sprue H measures 355 x 190mm overall and has 33 parts on it. The slide moulding tech on those two tool boxes is simply stunning. There are renditions of the stamped steel stiffener shapes on all sides. They are quite incredible.

The "Triangular" boxes with covers along one side of the sprue are the missile raising controls and gauges I believe? These are beautifully made with gauges and pipework included. There are additional handles, knobs and decals to enhance these parts even further.

The rear most body sides are also on this sprue. Perhaps the detail here is a little soft compared to the rest of the kit??

There are 48 parts on Sprue J which measures 390 x 290mm. The parts are mainly "sheet metal" panels around the trucks body. The moulding is sharp and crisp with no flash or pin marks to annoy us, though there are some very shallow pin marks on the undersides of the two large panels in the bottom left of this picture..

Sprue K measures 350 x 260mm, with 32 parts on it, mainly based around what I assume are the radio and firing stations?? Surface detail here is magnificent with grilles, riveted panel work and even ribbed rubber matting on the floors beautifully rendered.

The faces of the electronic equipment boxes are crisp and clean.

The flooring is also there..

It would be a real shame to close these doors up. This kit is begging to be displayed in a all panels open, missile in firing position diorama. Just look at this door interior detail... how nice is that!!

I have the Eduard interior and exterior sets for the dragon kit, at the end of this review we'll have a look and see if they would benefit this kit, or indeed if the PE parts will fit?
Next up we have Sprue L, the sprue count in this kit is big... I hope you're not getting bored reading this?
Anyway, this one has 25 parts on it and measures 340 x 260mm. The parts are focused around the launcher/lifter mechanism and co drivers cab and radiator grille..

There are some very shallow ejector pin marks on the insides of the cab wall and on the insides of the roof, but they are very shallow indeed.
The grille..

Now we move on to the big bad missile sprue, M. It is made up of 38 parts and measures 390 x 280mm. The main missile body as shown here is 312mm long. note that missile fins are not on this sprue, they can be seen back on sprue D.

we can clearly see from this next shot of the missiles back end that the detail in the kit is far superior to the previous offering.

Sprue N is the clear parts sprue with 20 parts on it measuring 140 x 114mm. The parts are very transparent and give no distortion, though on my example there is a crack in one of the windows. I may actually leave this for that extra "used look"??

I should also add here that Trumpeter have provided a full window masking set in the kit, making life much easier for those who like build their kit fully then paint it.

Note, there are only masks for the outsides of the glazing.
The final plastic sprue in the kit is P, which covers all the engine components, yes, this beautiful model has full engine detail!! If you are thinking this kit is anything like their Maz 537 range, you're mistaken. this one is definitely from Trumpeters A team!!
This sprue measures 370 x 230mm and has a total of 62 parts on it.

The cooling fans have been faithfully reproduced, which must have been very difficult to design the tooling for. There's some clean up required, but hey...

Injector pipework is included..

They have even given us accurately moulded shafts and UJ's for the fan drives.

Next up, we'll look at the Tyres, PE and Decals....
Here are the tyres, all eight of them, very well done in a soft vinyl. There are those of you who will hate these tyres and those who will love them, I'm not decided as yet??

The sidewall detail looks nice and restrained, but is it accurate??

The tread pattern looks good to me, as does the overall shape of the tyre, but where is the sag, so prevalent on the real thing??
I have a set of resin wheels from Tankworkshop.com for the Dragon Scud. they also have no sag, and, in my opinion are too "square" when viewed front end on?

There's no doubt about it, the DEF model wheels will be the ultimate accessory for this model, but I believe trumpeter have made a great job of these vinyl ones..
There are no fewer than three sheets of PE in the box, covering all sorts of small and not so small parts of the model.

The smallest fret, A measures 70 x 40mm and has 29 parts on it. They include light guards, steps for the front cabs and end detail for pivots on the missile launcher. There is a folding jig included for the front light guards.
Fret B measures 77 x 47mm with 21 parts. Here we have the main cooling grille fitted to the left hand side of the bodywork behind the drivers cab, some grilles for the front engine air intakes and the guard over the searchlight fitted on top of the drivers cab. Once again, we are given a folding jig for this part.
The largest fret, C covers the larger parts such as the rings around the base of the launch pad, electrical cable trunking and some missile dress up parts. There are 55 parts on this one, measuring 88 x 93mm.
There are two decal sheets supplied with the kit. They each measure 123 x 100 and 95 x 76mm.Both sheets decals are on the thick side and fairly glossy. Much dash board/radio gear dials are included as are what appear to be stencils?

Trumpeter have given you no fewer than 7 options with these decals, which include:-
A Afghanistan Army, Kabul 2005.
B Armenian Army
C Libyan Army, Libyan Civil War 2011
D Russian Army
E Iraqui Army, Gulf War 1991
F Iraqui Army, Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988
G Islamic Republic of Iran Army

So, that pretty much concludes my quick review of this kit, which I must say, I am very happy with. I have started building it, and the fit so far has been great. the plastic is up to Trumpeters normal superb standard and their efforts in designing this great kit have paid dividends, It's nice to see that Trumpeter have listened to the modelling community regarding detail, accuracy and those awful pin marks found in older kits.
I have to give this kit a full blown 10/10!!
Also, don't forget to check out the build of this beauty from post #19 onwards in this very thread...
Thanks to my wallet for the purchase of the kit, which I bought on EBay as soon as I saw it released.