Here is an other one attempt with MiniArt vacuum diorama kits

As I wanted it to be a square diorama, I add some plastic to extend the kit's base, to fit exactly at the surface plate of my wooden display base.
Then, this part covered with soil, dust and brick ruins, so was not necessary to copy the engraved base at this point - it is not so easy

Also, I added some parts of an inside stair - what else would be there when the door is on the air?

BTW, I have bought this super kit, that enables me to include many-many stair steps at my next dioramas

Concluding, I decide to use the kit's vents, even if they made me upset with their very thin plastic, that melts at their fitting points - a lot of putty used over there indeed

Actually I have made from scratch a lot of these vents, before, using aluminum foil, or cigar metal cases for the cylindrical ones

And they look good IMO. But the corner part here was not at my ability to be scratch-builded - at least, this time.
So, enjoy some pictures of the progress.
At the next images you may see the plaster I usually use to cover all the ruined buildings.
And here is the most of the plaster brushed away.
Then I use to black primer my plastic buildings. I think that the black base-coat gives more dramatic sense (letting it as part-visible) when adding the final colors, later.
Stay tuned for the next part