Here are some pictures of my work on my ARMO SCUD. After applying various shades of Mig Productions filters and letting it dry, the next weathering stage was pre-moistening the model with AK Interactive White Spirit and then applying AK Interactive Dark Brown Wash. After waiting for about 20 minutes to let the Wash bite, I used White Spirit to tone down the wash. After about two days, I applied Mig Productions' Abteilung Oil Shadow Brown for the shadows and then Windsor & Newton Cadmium Yellow Hue for highlights. For additional weathering, I also used Abteilung Earth Color for some subtle dusting to areas closer to the ground. The wheels received a Vallejo Dark Earth Wash. Here are the results so far:

My next goal is to apply various shades of pigments for additional weathering. That's it for now. Let me know what you think and thanks for looking!