Photo used for the discussion purpose only.
Besides the model I will use photoetched parts by Eduard (only available fot this tank) and Echelon's decals. Later I will add tracks since the kit's one are of very poor quality.
Moder is pretty old, but on the first glance it is very nice detailed. I like top of the hull. However there are some issues need to be addressed.
1. Hull bottom - missing reinforcement running along the bottom as well as unexplainable lack of the any part closing the round hole in the hull bottom.

2. Recessed armor panels in the front hull - need to be filled-in and even with the rest of the hull.

2. Open hull sponsons. It is quite irritating but closely related with origins of this model. As designed years back it was motorized model, therefore you can find rails for engine fixing inside the hull, as well as cutouts in the hull walls for driving shafts. Ridiulous is (according to the manual) mounting way of the top and bottom halves of the hull. Just snap in allowing for access to the hull interior.
3. Mounting of the side skirts. In the model they are just glued to the hull, while in the real tank, there was a distance gap.
4. Modifications related with the particular tank. First of all there are no additional fuel tanks on the rear plate - instead some boxes will be mounted. Some details and modified baskets/boxes will be applied to the the turret.
I will use as a references Concord 7505 and Osprey Vanguard 23, some photos found on the Internet, in particular showing Challengers 1 from KRH during the action in Kosovo. Anyway any help will be highly appreciated.