He showed it to my old 1Sgt and CSM and they both wanted one!!
So now I have to go back and figure out exactly how I did all this as it was a pretty long time ago.

He has the old BDUs and the Hermann helmet with para sponge pad in back and velcro jump straps,M1950 weapons case. LCE with 2 ammo pouches(w/grenades),1st aid pouch,two canteens,M9 pistol and ammo pouch,bayonet,squad radio,flashlight and smoke grenade,which is what I jumped into Omar Torios airport with in Dec99.
In addition a medium alice with e-tool attached,main and reserve parachutes.
I can tell you,I was not standing as tall and straight as this figure with all that weight on me that night!! There was a claymore and 25 rounds of 50cal ammo in the ruck along with more 5.56 ammo and smoke grenades. Very little in way of personal items as there was no room.
I start with these two kits

I will pick and choose items from each as I think some are more accurate or"look the part" better.
The requirement is for both to look like the first fig but one with black hair and the other wearing a beret. So the plain jumper will get the jungle boots like we wore that day and the beret guy will get the corcorans as well(we never jumped with those)
I like this smoke grenade and this bayonet from the WWII Dragon Para set