@Giovanni : yes that's the Pinerolo scheme I've been selecting. The two red squares were added yesterday evening.
Glad you like and thanks for the aditional info.
@ stephen : but, why yes, I did forget the covers - well, fortunately, I didn't despatch the sprues, so I may get these back in place.
@ Ralph - wheels are rubber, you're right.
I've been giving them a coat of Johnson Klir, once dry, a coat of Tamiya nato black on the tyre side, then beige, yellow and brown oil paint pigments, fixed using MiG fixer.
@ jesper You're probably right about the width poles - I saw a model on the web with red dots and didn't search further - though I've been hesitating for say, 10 secs with white.
All right, with all these mods made, I will produce a new set of photos during the week-end.
thanks a lot to you all for your inputs and contructive comments. I'm more an aircraft guy, so I don't really know all the details about these armor thingies

Stay tuned for the update,