In a move that should have surprised no one, Dragon added the D sprue from their M48 kits to depict the diesel engined M103A2. The dimensional errors that have been well publicized are unresolved in this release, but thanks to Pawel, there is at least a way forward for those like myself who feel the need to correct those errors. The faint of heart or those who fundamentally disagree with chopping up a $70 kit should turn back now.
I began with the hull, removing a 3mm slice from aft of the last road wheel mount, as i was able to decipher from Pawel's photos in his thread.

The turret ring and forward hull need to move back closer to the engine deck. Dragon partly covered for their too-long hull by making part A12, the mid-deck piece with fuel fillers far too big. So it was cut back as shown below. I also glued the side pieces D1 and D3 to the lower hull piece sawed off earlier:

Everything tacked together to test fits:

It helps to have an M48 on hand for comparison. You can also see the 3mm slices taken out of the upper and lower rear hull:

There was also some discussion regarding the turret, and whether Dragon would make changes to it. I can confirm that Dragon did replicate the "peaked" turret roof, but generally did nothing else save adding a searchlight plug housing on the roof. So it will go in for extensive remodeling ala Pawel's A1 in the coming weeks.

As much as it pains me to pile on, I also have to point out one more error Dragon made. They totally botched the shape of the final drive housings. For reasons unknown to anyone, they squashed the profile where it should be round. I've added the large red circles to Pawel's original photos to illustrate:

To verify, I took a trip to the Fort Lewis Museum to photograph their M103A2 and take some measurements. The real housings are round in profile and protrude noticeably due to the vertical engine exhaust grilles and aren't as noticeable on the M103A1.

More to come...