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Maybe the Dragon team designed it!
Don't know who designed it, but I do know if I owned the company there'd be some new faces in the unemployment line.
Wait a second! MINIART should just send the design team to bed without their supper!!!
I think that MINIART should just go ahead and revise the kit with the necessary corrections. Or, maybe the time is ripe for some enterprising aftermarket parts manufacturer to help us out with a resin and PE "correction/update" kit...

I don't see DRAGON doing anything "NEW!!!" in the line of the early Pz.IIIs: Ausf. A- 5 LARGE road-wheels, Ausf.B, C, and D... At least MINIART had the gumption to do so!!! DRAGON just adds or deletes parts in their Ausf.E thru Ausf.M kits, and then calls them "NEW!!!" This is GETTING OLD!!!
KUDOS to MINIART for having the guts to reeeeally committing themselves to doing more WWII US subjects. I also like the new SOVIET AA and AAA trucks. I just hope that they don't start going overboard with them.
I hope that MINIART will also go ahead and do some GIs in other applications, sans vehicles. I agree that a boxed set of the various US "motorcycle riders" is quite in order. The "US Tank Crew- Loading Ammo" set looks GREAT! They're a GREAT addition to the other splendid US Tank Crews that MINIART already offers us. I'm sure that these little guys will find their way into many dioramas and vignettes.
Specifically, I would like to see more US WWII Infantry GIs and US Marines in MINART's mix- a "chow line" with a US Field Kitchen, GIs/Marines "On Patrol" or "On the March", guarding/leading German, Italian and Japanese POWs, US Army and US Marine Officers and men in the lighter "summer" combat uniforms of the ETO, and in the HBT uniforms of the "TORCH" Invasion of North Africa and in the Pacific Theatre. GIs and Marines "At Rest", in the same genre of the US motorcycle rider found in the "Rest On Motorcycle" set, could be used in an "At Rest" set of US ETO/MTO Infantry. We could also US US Army Medics and US Navy Corpsmen, who served alongside our Marines. COUNTLESS HEROES were to be found within the US Army and Navy Medical Corps- It's time to give these brave men and women their due recognition in 1/35 scale...
I'd also like to see PRE-WAR US Infantry in the Light Khaki Summer Uniforms, US Army and US Marines, both...
To my knowledge, no one has done a proper 1/35 US Navy Beachmaster set in combat uniform, which was comprised mainly of the HBT Coveralls or 2-piece HBT set. The US Navy, in particular, has been sorely neglected in the realm of 1/35 figures- all we've seen of the US Navy is one figure set from MASTER BOX, which consists of a Seaman and an Officer, both in "Summer Whites", alongside three female figures. We NEED more US WACS, WAVES, SPARS, Nurses, etc.
We could also use an all-new PLASTIC kit of the first US tracked amphibious LVT-1, and the fore-runners of the US Navy's landing craft, the LCP-L and LCP-R. I can think of more, but I'd like to hear from my fellow modellers regarding this subject...