Have stared working on this year’s new project, inspired by a book I read over Christmas.

Anyway, so that’s the history part. One idea that appealed for doing this was the fact that during the early part of the Uprising the Polish captured a German store containing, amongst other things, Wehrmacht uniform which they duly used for themselves, often infiltrating German forces to launch surprise attacks. So the idea of apparently ‘German fighting German’seemed too good to ignore, giving some confusion to the initial viewer. So with a little ‘tweaking’ I used MB’S Soviet Marines & German Infantry set. As well as them, here are the other kits I’m planning on including in the dio........

Whilst researching through photos, 2 stood out to base the ‘story’ on. A barricade in the street with home army men seeming quite informal & relaxed. Then, insurgents reading dropped ‘Ultimatum’ German leaflets urging them to surrender & to give up their resistance.

Evident on the 2nd photo is the red & white armbands & bands around the captured German helmets identifying them as resistance fighters.
So, the dio itself will be comprised of a Polish building in the top right, with small streets leading to it from below & to the left. In the opposite corner will be a city graveyard. The barricade will be across the bottom, front right, with a captured Sd.Kfz. 251-1 delivering ammunition & supplies to the scene. Altogether I’m expecting to have around 27 figures, which does sound abit nuts, but they all have their place. Some are children, including a couple of very young fighters which look pretty good kits.
A unit of German troops will have infiltrated the building through a window, lower right, & have begun hand to hand combat with the defenders, unbeknown to the rest of the Home Army. The ground floor windows will have been bricked & boarded up.
The guys behind the barricade will be similar to the ones in the photo, although wearing captured uniform & joking casually about the airdropped ultimatums. The area in front of the building will be built up with rubble & debris, forming small corridors. The half track will be backed up onto this.
In the graveyard will be recently captured German soldiers, being interrogated by Polish fighters.
Invested in a couple of rolls of cork for this one, great stuff! The brick walls took ‘forever’ to cut & stick, nothing short of around 8 hours......, & then went & stuffed it up when filling the gaps.....

The building has been a long project, to measuring & cutting out the initial plastic walls, covering in 4 layers of cork, wallpaper, flooring, room dividing & more brick cutting. But really pleased how it eventually turned out.
The cobblestones are a mould from ‘Diorama Debris’ from the UK. 80 cobbles x 15+ mouldings = losing the will to live.....

The inside of the building is the only part almost complete, less for the rubble, debris, dust abit of furniture of some sort, & the 5 figures. The graves in the graveyard are only a rough set up, & that’ll be only half of them. Looking at photo’s of similar places, the graves were so close to each other, plus it will look slightly overgrown with bushes, shrubs, maybe a tree? Wasn’t too too happy with the way the brick wall turned out, I wet plastered the ‘cement’ on, but with hindsight should’ve sprinkled dry plaster over, brushed it into the gaps, then misted water over to set. It still needs weathering, repainting some bricks, slogans, advertising, posters & the graveyard side will be quite covered up[ anyway, so may get away with it....it should’ve been better...

Thanks for reading (if you made it), look forward to comments & responses, always looking for ideas on how to improve it. Will post progress pics over the comming weeks, months......years....
