This is what I will be using

Pretty straight forward initially

Here is where things start to go south. Trumpeter misidentified the drive shafts labelling 2 of them E29. Needless to say when I went to install the 1st one it was too long. Thinking this was a slight error I modified it to fit

Then a lil later on I find myself here

Now the shat I had cut and installed is in permanently there is no going back. The shaft I should have used is just barely long enough to fit. Seeing that it wont be seen that well I pressed on and installed it.

Next I find that my AM wheels are molded incorrectly or upside down on the inside. If I were to have installed them as molded the flat surface would have been on top of the tires. So I removed the parts that were incorrect and used the Trumpeter supplied parts and solved this issue. Corrected wheel is on the right

Dont install the steering wheel until the cab is together, I took mine back out

More build pics

Now this resin gun kit. First I was trying to find a 57mm gun kit, cant. So I upped the mm's and chose this one because it came with a gunshield. This is by far and away the worst kit I have used, well maybe 1 other beats this one. The direction sheet is just about hopeless. Thank goodness for pictures on the net or I would have been lost how to build this. The directions are incorrect in spots and pretty much of no use. The gun barrel was warped and tons of flash. There are parts I couldnt identify it was not worth the $34 or so I paid for it.

I just needed the pedestal for my project so I started with this

And ended up with this

Here is where I am currently at awaiting paint. So its off to the LHS for paint resupply. The cab sections are just placed not attached yet