Thanks guys! This was the project that kept me sane through the months of preparing for D-Day

BISIGI - For muffler rust I first sprayed the muffler with Tamiya German Gray (any dark grayish color will do). Then I applied a very heavy wash (ie clumps of pigment will form on the surface) of Tamiya Brown all over it. The wash gives a convincing metallic sheen to the surface and the clumps give a random rust effect. I actually flattened the wheels somewhat but I agree that it needs to be flattened a bit more. Will try your heated metal rod technique
Shonen - I painted this with Tamiya German Gray. I then flooded it with very thin Tamiya Desert Yellow to make it look like it went through a bit of rain. This was actually an accidental technique because I thinned the Desert Yellow too much and I thought the paint job was ruined so in frustration I just sprayed it all over the model. Came out nice to my surprise. The kit was fun and it's an easy build.
Titanium Trap Consultant - your generous help finally allowed me to post pics of my work

. I'll try your drybrushing techniques on this since some of the nuts and bolts are screaming for more attention. Grab one of these Steve! It's a nice diversion from the Friuls and the Abers

Rick - Those wheels are turned just a bit. I'll take some more pics soon since the lighting does not really show this. The angles are not that big though since I just took the easy way out and beveled the axles instead of cutting the suspension apart. I can just imagine the look of resignation on the German mechanics' faces when one of these comes into the shop with suspension problems. How they keep track of its 8-wheel drive, 8-wheel steering, 8-wheel independent suspension, two steering wheels, two sets of driver's pedals, and reversible transmission is beyond me

Marnie - Thanks for the welcome! SHE will be a long-term project hehe