Hi Kevin,
Thank you very much for the good word, means a lot.
There are some areas that need attention, but other than that, it goes like a charm. Some of the issues can be seen below:
As you can see, the tow cable and rod racks don't fit properly with the locating gaps and I know this issue is carried forward to the latest Dragon Mid Tiger (6700).
The yellow patches are zimmerit to cover some gaps or areas (rear panel) where there was not zimmerit at all.
One last issue was with the instructions regarding the assembly sequence of the commander's cupola, which are just a copy paste from another kit with a wider opening on the turret roof
Regarding the overall condition, I wanted relatively clean and tidy finish, but in reality, Tiger 217 under Otto Carius's command was pretty banged up, there were huge patches of zimmerit scrapped off and I could not replicate such damage on the kit's pre-moulded zimmerit