Since this is a review build log I will be conducting an out of the box build with the exception of adding brass rod for any cables that are missing.
For the most part will be following the instructions but there will be some deviations based on what I can accomplish for that day.
So pull up a chair, grab a cool beverage of your choice, and lets get started.
Getting started with step 1:
Step 1 has 4 steps including adding the plug for the unexplainable hole in the bottom of the hull.
It fit well enough but the bottom leaves something to be desired.
and that is where the good fit stopped for a few steps.
The next event was adding the two rear access points. Here Academy gives you alignment slots.
The problem is they are too wide and the pats don't fit. So I removed the tabs which resolved the issue.
The next step was adding some front hull detail which included the bolts for the drive housing.
This needed some sanding to flatten out the fit. But even then it was a little oversized.
as you can see there is a small gap which will be resolved with a little more cement.
The next was adding all of the idler arms. Here you need to be prepared for some sanding. Not only the sprue connection points but also the mold seams on the sides.
Also with this kit there are pins which lock the idler arms in at the right angle. Some are a little too tall and result in a gap between the hull and the idler arm. A little sanding brought it down and made the parts flush.
Here you can see most of step one complete. You can see there are mold seams still on the idler arms which I will deal with tomorrow. Also I did not complete adding the zimmerit on the hull. I will tackle that tomorrow also after I test out my method on the spare turret.
I have only attempted hand made zimmerit once using putty and liquid cement. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to provide them. At the moment I have miliput on hand and some Tamiya putty.
I diverted here as step two was putting the road wheels together which I didn't have time for and steps 3 was adding the road wheels to the hull while step four is putting together the rear hull. Since I have not added the zimmerit that will have to wait.
So it was on to step five which was adding the drive sprocket housing and the torsion bars inside the hull.
The drive sprocket hub went on with no issues.
Adding the torsion bars was another story. Between the molding seam and the sprue attachment points there was a lot of sanding. You will see in the picture that I still have some trimming to do. But the other issue was that both sides of the torsion bar points have tabs which are oversized on the thinner half of the torsion bar. I resolved this issue by removing those tables also.
It was easier removing the tabs than it was trying to attempt making the slot on the torsion bar wider.
In any case, after that was complete the torsion bars fit pretty well.
Well that is it for todays update for this build. All comments, suggestions, and criticism are welcome but I do ask to keep in mind that I am not a Tiger I expert.
Thanks for stopping in.