I have ordered from HLJ dozens of times. The postage HLJ charges for orders from Japan to Florida, per mile, has been cheaper than any other country I've ever ordered from.
While I empathize with the LHS, they must be aware the competition is aggressive for your modeling dollar (money).
Why else would I be buying from Japan (or any other country for that matter) unless the price of the kit, the import taxes, and the postage, is still cheaper than the kit on the shelf 10 miles from my home??
And add to all this...EBay...thousands of kits, from all over the world, all scales, for pennies on the dollar.
My modeling money is readily available, yet being taught the value of a dollar and finding a bargain still reigns with me.
No amount of peer pressure, or being shamed into supporting this shop or that shop, works here. To 'earn' my business...translation: get my money...is to prove to me you have the superior product that your competition has as well, yet willing to provide me the best deal so we both 'win'.
We all do this when shopping for an automobile...so why is this line of financial thinking lost on the modeling hobby? Or is it?
My 2 cents!