Remember my Airborne Jeep??? Well to refresh the interested people`s memory again..
A couple of weeks ago I saw a picture of the Airborne jeep captured by the germans and towing a 37 MM PAK. At the moment I saw the Pic I knew I wanted to make it.
Now during the last couple of weeks I posted two Step by Step "Articles" on what I did to make the vehicle.
To refresh the minds of those interested and those new to this project I post the other Updates on this vehicle:
Scratchbuilding the Airborne Jeep Step by Step #1
Scratchbuilding the Airborne Jeep Step By Step #2
And now here goes Scratchbuilding the Airborne Jeep Step by Step #3
Ok last time I stopped at the Cover for the front light. Next step is the Bridging plate wich is added on the left side (right for others) Covering the light underneath it

For the next pic a big thank you goes out to cliff. In the first (I believe) Update on the AB jeep I said that everything on the outside was put inside the vehicle as much as possible for better fit in the gliders. Thsi counts also for the Jerrycan holders. The Airborne Jeep was a vehicle that was supposed to operate for a long time with no resupplying they carried THREE Jerrycanholders. As the Eduard PE set only offered one Jerrycan holder I had to scratchbuilt the other two. Now they weren`t bad but not like the real McCoy
this is a picture of the scratchbuilt versions:

And this is where the Big Thanks for Cliff (MrRoo) comes in. In that same topic Cliff said he had some spares laying around and that he could send them to me. 10 Days later the Envelope Arrived with the Jerrycanholders in it and I used them and......
They are wonderfull

Thanks for that Cliff
As you can see in the above picture I used scratchbuilt Straps wich I cut out of these aluminum Pie lids or microwave food trays. Brilliant stuff and they are more life like then the PE versions from Eduard... They are too stiff.
On that same picture the Quickrelease steering wheel is visible Now here comes a sad story and again a nice story of somebody getting me out my troubles. In the first post I Showed a picture of the Quickrelease steeringwheel wich was made of the kits original steer it looked like this:

Sadly when I was about the point to attach the steering wheel in it`s place I couldn`t find the Steering wheel anymore

The next pic shows the Step By Step of the Quick Release Steeringwheel:

In the next pic I show that really everything that is on the outerside is cut off and left off or.. attached to the inside on the back only the lights are still there. No jerrycan holder no spare wheel:

Next pic shows the two holes where normally a handle would be are filled in the glider there is no place for handles in the gliders. the square thingy underneath it is actually the part where the head of the Axe is coming in but since there is no place for that in the glider too it gets cut off too (haven`t done that yet on the pic but it will happen believe me):

and guess what...... The holes on the other side get the same putty treatment:

Now this was actually more or less everything that needed to be done before the paintjob. Only the dash board needs to be added and then the Jeep is ready for the spraybooth.
Next are some pics of how the vehicle looks when completely assembled (in subassemblies for the pics so don`t look at the wheels as they are not right) (in front it looks a bit like Bambi on Ice

In the Pic above (yes it`s the Bambi on Ice pic :-) :-) ) you can have a look at the Straps to hold the Tools on the front bumper I made an Illustration of wich forms I cut out of the Aluminum pie lids and in wich way I used them:

A nice view on the hood of the vehicle with the scratchbuilt munition rack:

And this..... Is the original idea of the Dio

Anybody curious about the pic I saw???

Ok this was update #3 as always I like to hear all feedback good or bad positive or negative. if you notice a flaw please report it It`s also usable for somebody else. I hope you guys (and girls) like it