It's been a while since I've posted anything as I was hoping to enter this Whippet in another Great War campaign. Since nothing has appeared on the horizon, I've decided to go ahead and post it here. For those unfamiliar with the feats of Musical Box and her valiant crew, it was the most outstanding action by a single tank in WW I, taking out a four gun artillery battery and then roaming behind German lines for about eight hours, in the process shooting up motor transport, a rear area encampment, a train, and an observation balloon.
The kit is the well known Whippet Mk A from Emhar, not a bad kit overall except for the dreadful tracks. I have a few ideas on improving those, and failing that, scratch build some replacements.
The photos below show the start of the build. The plastic is quite thick, but little cleanup was required. I did have to drill out the vision slits for the driver and gun positions, and had to add one above the left side gun mount which for some reason was left out, although it is obvious in photos of actual Whippet tanks.
I put the .303 cartridge in the following photos for scale. It's the same round that was used in Musical Box's .303 Hotchkiss machine guns, although this particular cartridge is of WWII vintage.
The machine guns have to be installed before the cab is closed up, and it is very difficult to cement the rings holding the ball mounts in place without getting glue on the ball and immobilizing the gun. My first attempt resulted in a frozen ball, but I managed to pry it loose, and then resorted to cementing bits of plastic strip on either side of the ball retaining ring and avoided getting glue on the ring itself. That solved the problem.
More to follow soon.
