Tamiya's M1 Abrams(MM-224A) and M3 Bradley CFV (3631)

Along with some infantry (Tamiya 35153)

I want to have the M3 and 4 foot soldiers acting as well Acav scouts! ALong with the M1 on the road behind...But that is for another post to get more details in about the setting and such.
I am trying to model this up straight from the kits here as my first major undertaking. I was thinking about MERDC patterns but it would seem all the M1's and M2/3's were never painted in MERDC while station in Germany.I have looked through many REFORGER pics but don't seem to catch anything just a few field camo's here and there among US forces. So here are my questions for anyone who might know or have a source for this!
1.Were there any units painted in MERDC that were Cav units with the Abrams and Bradley's?
2. So if not painted in MERDC what was the green they were painted, what is a good match for this Tamiya's Dark Green? Or is there a different color that was officially used from off the production line of these?
3. Did Cav scouts ever paint "field craft" camouflage on their vehicles frequently can I get a source of examples please? Would these apply to both M1's and the M3 scouts?
4. Infantry Camo & Uniforms, will the infantry set I have work for the foot scouts(painted in woodland not chocolate chip)?
5. If I am really set on MERDC and wanted a Cav unit with MERDC...Well could it have happened? Say a state side Cav unit shipped over there as part of REFORGER?
Thank you for reading!