You are off and running with this one, Lukasz, and the stuff looks good.
I would suggest however that you fix up those little chains on the smoke-bomb rack: In the real panzer world, those chains were attached to the pull-ring (top) of the smoke-bomb AND to the rack-frame itself. The rack is tipped by a cable-release from inside to let the bombs fall out. When the falling bomb got to the end of its chain, the chain pulled the ignition-match from the bomb and lit it off, and the bomb fell to the ground. So... When there are bombs in the rack, the chains should attach to the bomb, as you have them right now, AND loop back up and attach to the inside rack right beside each bomb. So, what we should see (to be accurate, of course!) is a loop of chain for each bomb.
IF one wants to model the rack empty (bombs are gone), the chains would attach to the rack and dangle much as you have them. The detail-minded would attach a tiny length of thin wire or stretched-sprue at the bottom of each chain to be that ignition-match that had been pulled from the bomb.
That's the "right way" to show this detail - HOWEVER, many modelers (I, too!

Just so you know that I am not being "holier than thou" on this!) have done their bomb-chains just as you have... It's a sort of "accepted standard error" in the plastic panzer hobby! Probably a case of "monkey see, monkey do" as we all look at others and copy what we see. So...
It's just a suggestion!
I'm looking, and this will be good!