this an over view where you can see I have changed the stowage boxes for those from the dragon kit ....just better detail on the handles ...

I added ends to the hinges from sprues to show they pass right thru from one side to the other ..Also added two styrene squares on the back engin hatches ..these seem to have been added to help support the hatches when they were open ..

I added casting numbers two the final drives using numbers from an academy kit and numbers taken from the tamiya sprues ..I also added the oil plugs that were missing on the final drives. I added some missing bolts on the fenders using hexagon shaped sprue.

I added a hook under the exhaust system that held the early barrel support

added casting numbers from tiny numbers on a tamiya sprue...note the numbers were cast upside down on the real parts.

Added casting numbers to the hull again using the Academy numbers I also added some strip styrene to the front fenders along with some missing bolts..

Tested out the suspention to see how it will look ...good beer that also shows where I added thin strip of styrene on the sides where the hatches locked on when open..I used the locks from the dragon kit as there were none on the Tamiya kit ...better than nothing I guess ..also replaced the closed visor with a Verlinden one from thier Sherman detail set ...

I added more casting numbers to the mantlet but will probably not use it as I'm waiting for the covered mantlet from traxz...also have sanded and smoothed out the kit barrel which looks great need to change this baby..

while waiting for parts to arrive I have started my base here is a quickly dug mortar pit with all the equipement around it handy for the crew ...

an overall view of the base can make out where the pershing will be leaving the road to chase after the crew of the mortar that are trying to get away ..

he wasn't so lucky

and last but not least another view of the mortar pit

sorry for the long post but I hope you enjoy the pictures ...I want to thank Daniel Munoz for taking these picture and helping me put them on-line.