Cover Up dio... done... i think ..hehe
Iowa, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 30, 2004 - 10:53 AM UTC
Hi guys-
These are pictures of my dio for the cover up campaign...
Overall shot:
Close up of the BAR gunner... stepping on the flag... :-)
88 and the gun pit:
M-10 Crew:
Dead Germans:
BAR gunner from another angle:
Various ground work shots:
Sorry bout all the pics ..hehe There is just alot going on, and I wanted to show it all. Many more pictures can be found at the link below... comments and suggestions are always welcome :-)
Nelson May you never have scorpions crawl into your trousers...
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Friday, January 30, 2004 - 11:43 AM UTC
WOW, it hogutht eh toehr pics were good, excellent job with the figs mate, cheers
Upon Being asked why he was being pushed back by a "Comonwealth" division at El Alamein, Rommel replied,
"it is not a Commonwealth division, it is an Australian Division, why, give me 2 Australian Divisions and i will conquer the world for you!"
Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 30, 2004 - 12:01 PM UTC
Very nice piece of work. I like the subltle wethering on the M-10. The drap on the tarp opn the side is a very good touch. The figures are excellent and the BAR guy would be impressive as a stand alone figure. The dead Germans are posed to look DEAD. Good job there.
The gun pit, and everything in it looks too clean for me, and I'm a fan of less is more in weathering. The gun, in particular, stands out too much from the surroundings, Either a camo paint job or netting draped over the shield would enhance this a lot and a little muzle blast black on the 88 would give it a more used feel.
But these are minor things and more to my taste than a major criticism. Good job.
Wings & Wheels Modelers-IPMS
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Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 30, 2004 - 12:11 PM UTC
Well, not being a connoisseur

of WWII, the 88 flak, the M-10, dioramas or dead Germans, I think that this little dio is extremely well done! If my 1/35th scale figures, personal weapons, and spent brass were that good, well... I'd be one happy camper!
Outstanding job there JRNelson!
...'cept for me and my monkey.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 30, 2004 - 12:31 PM UTC
I have to agree with AJLaFleche about the gun pit. It looks just too clean to actually be a flak nest. Also you may want to try "dirtying" the dead germans so they look like they have been out in the field awhile since they surrounding area looks like its been through a battle. I really like the GI's and the armor, so great job on that.
Infantry, Queen of Battle
Michigan, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 30, 2004 - 01:20 PM UTC
I've been following this dio development for a while and I finally figured out what was bothering me. The 88mm looks like it's turned so that it bisects the angle of the legs. In other words it is dead center when compared to the legs. That just looks too balanced and manicured. If it were turned a little so that it is not splitting the angle of the legs it would be more "chaotic." That is about the only thing I can see.
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Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Friday, January 30, 2004 - 01:59 PM UTC
JR that is an awesome Job. well done. The only thing that stands out as a bit out is the Dead germans, especially the one in the grey coat look to clean. Have a look at his boots they are almost parade ground clean!
I just hope I can paint my figures as good as you have here. Thanks for sharing.
Kansas, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 30, 2004 - 04:41 PM UTC
Very cool, Mr. Nelson!
I wondered what you were up to with that M10 -- you gave us a few clues in your earlier postings. I really like the BAR man -- reminds me of Kirby on the old COMBAT! series.
The dead Germans have a nice, relaxed, ground-conforming look to them. I have to agree that the gray longcoat stands out as a bit too clean (nitpick).
Great job!
Bob K
Owner, Kansas City FullMetalJacket -- two-time Armorama FFL Champions! 2005 and 2006
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Sero Sed Serio
Rhode Island, United States
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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 03:21 AM UTC
Nice one,JR.
I would toss the boxes around more in the pit.And since it is a flak emplacement,I would have more spent casings all around,and maybe a pile of some that were stacked up to make more room.I agree on a camo net draped over the gun,or at least partly hanging off.
And we cant even see where the spill was
(++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) piggies.

Donegal, Ireland
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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 03:59 AM UTC
Overall its a very fine dio Jeff. The whole layout is great. Maybe just a subtle touch with earthy pastels on the dead geezers would make them look even deader #:-) and a touch of rust/chipping to the 88. The M10 is perfectly weathered... dirty but all detail is there to be seen. I know its an effort to finish up the dio in time, but that last little inch on the pit would lift the whole dio up to top notch. Great work!
IPMS Stockholm
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Alabama, United States
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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 06:05 AM UTC
Your diorama has really turned out well. I have followed your progress through all of your post. Congrats on a real eye-catcher. The only thing that jumps out at me is the end of the gun on the M10. Put one drop of black paint in that thing, and you have a contest winner. Again, great work.

Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 06:27 AM UTC
Awsome Job Jeff... one of these day's I'm gonna have to attempt one of these DIO thingys... maybe getting pumped to attmempt figures is a start!!
I really like the tied up stowage on the M-10.. esepcially the straps.. are those etch?
Great job!
Charlie M. Pig 11three, Minister of Fishery aka Lord Blue Fin
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 09:13 AM UTC
Really nice job Nelson ..well ballanced ...Can't beat that old 88 just looks mean!!

I guess I agree with the few comment here but all in all a job well done...
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 09:51 AM UTC
Have to agree - this has come out really well. It was nice to watch it come to life. The allied figures are really the 'show stoppers' Nice.
Wellington, New Zealand
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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 03:02 PM UTC
The dio looks very very good, The M-10 and infantry man tie in well together as the others have sadi maybe a little more weathering on the dead germans. other than that i can't fault it.
"Da Kiwi Kid"
Andrew Barclay
California, United States
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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 05:25 PM UTC
nice work, Dude!
how long did this project take? are your figures hand painted or did you airbrush them?
you got me thinking about trying a dio now!
Iowa, United States
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Posted: Monday, February 02, 2004 - 07:34 AM UTC
Thanks for the comments and suggestion :-)
I went back and touched up a few things based on comments here..... I appreciate all the feed back I got along the way.
I dirtied up the dead germans.. and the junk in the pit... rotated the 88 a smidge so it looks less symetrical..... added a camo net to the gun....painted the inside of the M-10 barrel black..... and gave the 88 some muzzle blackening...... hehehe All good suggestions ;-)
Captain - the figures are hand painted.... I used a combination of MM Enamels and Oils for them. The dio took a couple of months to do...working on it off and on.
All in all, it was a fun project. I would like to improve my figure painting skills, as these are really my first figs I've done.....but I am happy with the way they turned out.
Thanks a lot guys-
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Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Monday, February 02, 2004 - 03:19 PM UTC
I really like this diorama. Most important part of any diorama, is that it creates a story. You've done that here. Fantastic work, all round.
I especially like that BAR gunner, finishing the job

Cheers !!
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Monday, February 02, 2004 - 03:56 PM UTC
This is

as it is, alas, only congratulatory.
Nice work ,
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Michigan, United States
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Posted: Monday, February 02, 2004 - 04:28 PM UTC
More pics of the revised dio!! It's too good to only post one!
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Vatican City
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Posted: Monday, February 02, 2004 - 06:11 PM UTC
Lord Neslon!!!!
For a rock star, you ain't that bad when comes to modeling. verie impressively made! Muche crafted!!!!
Only one small small thing, since they are spent shells, I would spray a film of black on both ends of the shell, simulating gun powder residues, as I had expertily done on my Hornisse.... LOL.
Other than that, awesome!!!!
manie Warm Wishes!
Dave O'Mally aka Davidus ArwenIsMineus Pig No. 2, Da Jackel
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