Hmmm.... Whilst more U.S. figures are always welcome, i'm not convinced that these are particularly good. I've seen them in the 'flesh' and frankly, they don't, IMO, come up to the standards that one should expect these days. The poses are far too static and, let's be honest, the original intention was to portray infantry on board an LCM or Higgins Boat (LCVP). In which case they would be crouching or sitting, not looking as if they were in line for the PX to open. They would be incredibly useful for a 'loading' scene, but in a more animated dio....
What is useful, is the addition of ítems such as the flotation jackets although work and research will have to be done with the waterproof 'packaging' for ítems such as the radio. Even the M1 rifles on board were carried in plastic bags.
Reasonable enough but some extra effort will have to put into other details...