I'm building trumpeter's T-80BV and thought i would share my progress with you. This will be my first build thread here at Armorama.
For this build I have used:
Trumpeter T-80BV
Voyager T-80BV etch
Voyager T-80BV gun barrel
Miniarm NTSV
The trumpeter kit is really nice and so is the voyager sets even though I think they are a bit excessive at times. For example they supply all the ERA blocks on the tank, all 130 of them :O , in etch but I skipped them. I began work on the turret, which in the BV is extremely busy. At the moment must of the construction in this area is finished. Here are some pictures:
The snorkel, the cradle and the straps in etch really make a differences here as the plastic one is a bit clunky. I have a question about these too. All Russian tanks carry snorkels so they can ford deeper rivers but you don’t see them on NATO/western tanks. Would NATO rely on temporary bridges or what was/is the plan? Would seem that bridges would be more vulnerable to for example air attack, but perhaps they relied on air superiority? What was their thinking?

The ammo boxes also come supplied completely in etch and even though they are a lot of work they look beautiful when completed.

Thought I would show some pictures of the ERA also. The quality of these is quite important for the overall quality of the build I think. Trumpeter did a good job on these but to make them look better I little session with the saw is recommended.

And finnaly a couple of pictures of where the build stands at the moment!

Happy to answer questions and commentaries, and of course, more will come
