Moving on, Did dot filtering on the hull sides using white, yellow, blue and green artist oils and a wide flat brush dampened with paint thinner. Just drag it down and off until I got the effect I wanted. When dry, I'll seal and then do the same with a rust dot filter.
Going to the Miniart ruin. I scratch built a floor from balsa wood and Popsicle sticks. Painted with an array of Vallejo Environmental Effects. Then figured it was missing something. A ceiling! Added old school lathe & plaster starting with some Evergreen 0.10 x 0.40 strip for the lathe, glued on with CA. Once done, I painted quickly with Tamiya XF-57 Buff. Once that was dry, I put a thin coat of drywall mud, let that dry and put on a second coat. Once all that had set up over night, I lightly sanded the dried mud, "damaged" the exposed sections with tweezers, pliers, fingers, etc., to get the effect I wanted. Finally, staining it with various concentrations of tea and coffee.
And, finally some additional shots of the finished suspension with the upper hull and tracks fitted. Still ots of ground work to do.