It is quite new and good set (or I should say sets and Trumpy decided to split it into two different set thus we get a lot of duplicated parts). Some pin and molds marks exists but no sink holes or other imperfections. Fitting is good as well as plastic quality.
Anyway I personally think that more details should be included, as in some place you might think that somethink is missing.
Using PrimePortal photos I have changed/added/paint a lot of things. List is long and among the others contains
I have painted:
- tank (next to spare wheel) white with black stripes;
- orange - for roller on the spare wheel crane;
- rubber - base for the biggest module on launcher trailer;
- rubber - for the air suspension bags ;
- rubber - fenders on trailer;
- red and yellow (do not know the name for it) elements on the frame (rear on tractor/front on trailers)
- wood for wheel choke on trailers;
I have added rust to:
- exhaust;
- leaf springs.
I have added:
- antenna next to spare wheel;
- antenna for the launcher mast;
- winch rope;
- winch wires;
- plumbing for fuel tank;
- air hose for the air tanks;
- wires for the engine;
- wires for the lamps on the tractor (the middle part);
- wires for the support legs engines;
- chains for the support legs;
- chaons for the wheel chokes;
- canvas covers for the air vents on the launcher;
- countles cors/wires for the launcher and its modules;
- red and blue air hoses with turned plugs on the tractor;
- power cords for the radar.
Please watch and comment: