This is my most recent project, the M60A1 Patton by Academy with Eduard PE and a Barrel Depot barrel. I painted the kit in NATO 3-tone camo, gave it an oil wash and drybrushed using citadel paints. I decided to give these a shot as I have not been happy with other brands of paints for drybrushing, and I was very pleased with the results. Stowage includes kit parts, Verlinden items, and pieces from the Tamiya modern stowage set.
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M60A1 Patton


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Posted: Thursday, February 05, 2004 - 07:33 AM UTC


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Posted: Thursday, February 05, 2004 - 07:36 AM UTC
Here are a couple highlights:

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KitMaker: 12,596 posts
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Posted: Thursday, February 05, 2004 - 07:53 AM UTC
Jeff, I really like the paint job. It looks good. I do notice a seam on the searchlight plug (3rd photo near SER). Also the hook directly behind the loader's hatch (in the brown camo area) was used to secure the crosswind sensor in the down position and possibly used on the A3 variant only (I think). I'm not too familiar with those two "handle-looking" machine gun interrupters adjacent to the loader's hatch, but my time on an M60A1 is extremely limited. We didn't have them on A3s.
Becareful not to store items in front of the coincidence range finder blisters on the sides of the turret. This area had to be kept clear in order to determine the range of a target. One last thing, and it is probably me or the angle of the photo, but the left smoke grenade launcher looks like it is facing the side too much and not forward enough. This could be me though.
Great job on the tank!
Becareful not to store items in front of the coincidence range finder blisters on the sides of the turret. This area had to be kept clear in order to determine the range of a target. One last thing, and it is probably me or the angle of the photo, but the left smoke grenade launcher looks like it is facing the side too much and not forward enough. This could be me though.
Great job on the tank!


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Posted: Thursday, February 05, 2004 - 08:10 AM UTC
As Rob noted, there's a seam on the plug, and also on the MG guard. one of the grab rails on the roof which also shows a flat spot where it was removed from the sprue and the hinge in pic# 2061. Those are th problems I see. the good stuff is otherwise excellent contruction and paint, nice, subltle highlighting/wash/drybrushing both on the tank and the stowage. (Don't you love those Barrel Depot barrels and Verlinden's superb castings on their packs?)


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Posted: Thursday, February 05, 2004 - 08:13 AM UTC
How did you create the "blast bags" around the main gun and the machine gun on the commanders coupola(sp)? If it is just kits supplied pieces, how did you paint it to achieve that look?
Looking good,
Looking good,


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Posted: Thursday, February 05, 2004 - 08:26 AM UTC
Jeff, great finish. You pulled the NATO scheme off well.
Other than Sabot's and AJ's comments, I noticed that the watercan in the bustle rack has a noticable gap in it. This kit suffers from the original Tamiya flaw (which Academy copied) of being a "light" M-60, that is one with no powerpack. Therefore it rides awfully high on it's suspension. And us M-60 guys were painfully aware of how high in profile we were!
Other than Sabot's and AJ's comments, I noticed that the watercan in the bustle rack has a noticable gap in it. This kit suffers from the original Tamiya flaw (which Academy copied) of being a "light" M-60, that is one with no powerpack. Therefore it rides awfully high on it's suspension. And us M-60 guys were painfully aware of how high in profile we were!


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Posted: Thursday, February 05, 2004 - 01:19 PM UTC
Jeff-- nice job. Take it from me, these guys can be brutally done good!
DJ #:-)
DJ #:-)


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Posted: Thursday, February 05, 2004 - 01:36 PM UTC
Thanks guys!
Sabot - I too noticed that seam when I reviewed my pics, I'm going to take care of it in a few minutes. The hook to secure the crosswind sensor was part of the Eduard PE set, so I'm not sure how accurate it truly is. I did not know what the range finders were, but removing the offending stowage is not a problem. I checked the smoke dischrager too, one of the legs got a little squished (it's a PE base), so I will also attempt to adjust that leg.
AJLaFleche - That flat spot was the result of my mother flashing the lights in the cellar to tell me dinner was ready while I was trying to trim this rather flimsy part, lol. As for the barrel and the stowage, I love both of them. The casting on the VP backpacks blows me away. I'd love to see a set with several different style bags at a reasonable price. I took my VP stuff from their stowage sets for the M1A1 and the stowage set for the HMMWV.
SonOfAVet - Both are kit parts. What I did was paint my whole kit in the camo scheme. Once everything was good and dry, I painted the two pieces Tamiya Khaki, and let this dry. Once it was dry I gave it a fairly heavy wash of Burnt Umber (Raw Umber gets the same effect). After it dries, I rub my finger, you may have to press down a bit, be careful) on the area to get any wash the stuck on high points off prior to drybrushing. I dry brushed using Citadel's Bleached Bone paint until I got my desired effect.
M60A3 - I pulled that can out an have since added a resin one. I noticed what you mean by having a high profile when I put the model next to my's definitely a bit higher set.
210cav - Thank you very much. Everyone's honesty has helped me improve my skills over time.
Sabot - I too noticed that seam when I reviewed my pics, I'm going to take care of it in a few minutes. The hook to secure the crosswind sensor was part of the Eduard PE set, so I'm not sure how accurate it truly is. I did not know what the range finders were, but removing the offending stowage is not a problem. I checked the smoke dischrager too, one of the legs got a little squished (it's a PE base), so I will also attempt to adjust that leg.
AJLaFleche - That flat spot was the result of my mother flashing the lights in the cellar to tell me dinner was ready while I was trying to trim this rather flimsy part, lol. As for the barrel and the stowage, I love both of them. The casting on the VP backpacks blows me away. I'd love to see a set with several different style bags at a reasonable price. I took my VP stuff from their stowage sets for the M1A1 and the stowage set for the HMMWV.
SonOfAVet - Both are kit parts. What I did was paint my whole kit in the camo scheme. Once everything was good and dry, I painted the two pieces Tamiya Khaki, and let this dry. Once it was dry I gave it a fairly heavy wash of Burnt Umber (Raw Umber gets the same effect). After it dries, I rub my finger, you may have to press down a bit, be careful) on the area to get any wash the stuck on high points off prior to drybrushing. I dry brushed using Citadel's Bleached Bone paint until I got my desired effect.
M60A3 - I pulled that can out an have since added a resin one. I noticed what you mean by having a high profile when I put the model next to my's definitely a bit higher set.
210cav - Thank you very much. Everyone's honesty has helped me improve my skills over time.


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Posted: Thursday, February 05, 2004 - 05:33 PM UTC
You are lacking a searthlight cable, as well. You may know that, but I thought I would point it out. M60A1 never had those grab handles by the loader's hatch, but they could be field modifications, as well.
Very good paint job!
Very good paint job!


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Posted: Thursday, February 05, 2004 - 09:21 PM UTC
Just a brief couple of comments: Thank you Grasshopper for the pics
nice to see that the M60 Isn't the tank that seems to be forgotten....
Can't remember the last time that someone posted pics of one up..... I haven't gone through the pics in any great depth, but nothing seems to cry out for my comments
Nice one.!...Jim


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Posted: Sunday, February 08, 2004 - 05:20 AM UTC
Thanks for your comments guys! I added the searchlight cable yesterday.
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