I did the welds with Miliput super fine putty from an article posted over at Armorama and it works pretty good. I used the BMP-1 Barrel and Antenna Pot from Modelpoint. The only part I had to steal was the Mantlet from DML BMP-1, since the kit one is lacking alot of detail on it and would required alot of putty to make it look decent. The MG Port covers are a punched out disc of .015. plastic with some Super Fine Miliput on top shaped with a punch from my punch and die set. I'm also using Eduard's PE set for it and makes a big difference in the kit, unlike some of their other offerings which are overkill.
When I finish construction on it I'm going to be Painting as one of the Russian Vehicles that came out of Bosnia into Kosovo without NATO's Consent. It will be done in the Green/Sand camo with thin black lines outlining the Sand camo.
I shot the photos using my Sony F717 Camera set at F8 with the "film" setting of ISO 100, which made a huge difference in the Image quality
Any comments or questions...please ask