Here are some pictures from a new project. Itīll totally differnet from what youīll guess. Itīs a burned out T-20, but the rest of the dio will something new. I never saw this idea from me in a dio:
All guesses are welcome, but I donīt thing, that somebody will hit it.
News Writer ARMORAMA
Metro Manila, Philippines Joined: May 06, 2007
KitMaker: 2,713 posts
Armorama: 2,451 posts
Nice effects, that wire jutting out adds to the visuals, thanks for sharing. With not much info on your secret dio except for it being totally different, I'd say it's a burnt wreck under the sea or maybe a wreck that's been left on the surface of Mars or Venus whichever is nearer.
Oklahoma, United States Joined: September 30, 2015
KitMaker: 2,493 posts
Armorama: 2,344 posts
you want us to guess what's in your head? lol Spicy food fart caught the seat of the captured T20 on fire...German driver got mad at his gassy comrade & pulled a Walther on him!
Youīre Close. Itīll be a scene in a russian village and the dead are attaking the suprised Germans. I have some great looking russian WWII Zombiesoldiers.
Here is my dio: Based on an old WWII secret Picture:
The americans not only deliver tanks to russia.
If I saw the new figures from "Weird Armies Reign" I had a picture of this dio in my head. So here it is. I knwo, itīs not everbodys taste, but I couldnīt resist to build it. Figures are from Master Box, Stalingrad and McFarlen: