This is my first entrance here - T-26 Model 1933 from Zvezda.
The model was built using the Eduard’s photo-etched set for Mirage Hobby’s model – not all of the parts were suitable for use here, the main parts used were the air outlet from the engine compartment, fenders fixing, a shovel and a saw box on the fender, as well as the muffler fixing.
This is my first ever winter camouflage. The techniques used here were:
– Modulation using a set from Vallejo for World War II Soviet vehicles
– Vallejo Chipping Medium
– White from Vallejo and Washable White by MIG upholstery – and dark grey Vallejo painted with a stiff brush and a sponge.
– Tamiya’s weathering sticks: Mud and Light Earth
– MIG’s green filter
– Dark green wash from MIG, dark brown wash from AK, black Panel Liner from Tamiya, Track Wash from AK, AK pigments: smoke, burnt umber, European dust.
– Dry brushing with light cream oil paint and metallic for the tracks
– Mud from MIG (MIG Mud effect) mixed with various pigments
The effect is quite messy, but I hope that to some extent this corresponds to the “canons of aesthetics” of the Red Army from the period.

Best, Hubert