It has been about 5 years since I have last constructed a model. I found the really old 70's Tamiya Panzer II and thought it would be a good model to get back into it since it was cheap. I bought aftermarket barrels, aerial, and 20mm casings from RB Model and I am very impressed with them. I modeled my Panzer II after one from the 18th Panzer Division. This was my first time at using an oil wash and filter. I scratch built the exhaust cover and ran over the edges with a pencil to give it a worn look as well as pastel chalk over the whole model. Any hints/tips appreciated!
Close ups of barrels from RB Model. I am very impressed with their quality. I painted them black and gave them a dry brushing of gunmetal.

For the treads I painted black, then gave an oil wash of red ochre and drybrushed Tamiya's mettalic grey over them. I then added the dirt by applying ispropyl alcohol and adding crushed pastel chalk.

I was going for a look of the crew throwing out some empty casings from the turret.

My dullcoat left a residue on the spare wheel

Thanks for looking!

P.S. Does anyone know how to rotate the image? They upload sideways

- Joe