Just recieved Takom's new T-55AMV and I'll be doing my very first Building blog ever, so please be gentle

The kit looks very nice, and the box seems to be loaded with styrene. Skimming through the sprues, it really looks like a very well detailed kit, with lots of crisp details.
Ahh!! There's nothing like the smell of newly molded styrene in the evening... It smells like.... Hobbytime!
Well, let's get cracking.
As usual the build starts with the lower hull, which is beatifully molded in one piece. You have to drill out some holes in the bottom to fit the armor reinforcement on the frontpart of the belly.
A small warning has to be given at this early stage; the styrene of this kit is a bit on the soft side, so beware of this, when using your newly bladed knife.
The add on belly armor and final drives goes in place with no problems at all.
The drive sprockets and idler Wheels are a straight foreward buid, but do be careful to get the alignment of the sprockets right before the glue settles.
The idler Wheels has an excellent feature; it has some great ball bearing details under the hub, if you want to either do a maintainence scene or it simply have been lost in action.
The idler Wheel Mount is also greatly detailed on all sides.
Well, enough for now. I'll return with more soon.
Please do ask if there's something in this blog, which don't make sence, and I'll try to explain it, if I can.