Thank you, gentlemen; it is a relief to see that I've not "screwed the pooch" on this one.
hello Tanker86, well, where to start? Multi-cam fascinated me from the first time I saw it, and I've been wondering how I'd paint it ever since. Then, when the figure was released, it became a no-brainer to do. I printed off an A4 page of multi-cam and studied it, by that I mean I looked at the pattern, such that it is, from all angles, and focused on each individual colour. helped with the colours, and additional uniform images, and I got started.
There are 6 colours to multi-cam, the base four and the top two which make up the "droppings", being dark brown and light grey.
After selecting an earth brown, khaki, desert pink, and mid-green, it became a lot easier to visualise how to paint it. I base coated the figure in khaki and then started the masking. Painting multi-cam is all in the masking. Referring back to my printed pages for pattern and scale, I'd mask off parts of the figure, spray the next colour using my Tamiya super fine airbrush, then mask again, adding or moving masking as needed.
Once all four base colours were done, I removed the masking and went in with the brush to add those small areas of sharp edge colour.
That done, I applied the "droppings", being the light grey and dark brown on top, always referring to the printed pages seen in the background of the photos for pattern and scale.
The non-camo uniform items were painted from a half dozen other colours, and shade varied using white.
The only things I added to the figure was some wiring, a Live Resin helmet, and the folded bipod on the mg. The helmet was a pure choice thing as I wanted one with a cover on it. Likewise the bipod was to depict an assault gunner moving forward, giving covering fire, not going to ground anytime soon.
I washed the figure in a dark brown filter from Mig, the first time I've used one of these products, and I'm reasonable happy with the finish. I would absolutely do this figure again if I could, and would recommend it to anyone. It was a joy to work with, and any mistakes on the figure are my own.
I hope this makes sense, as I've just come off a nightshift and there is rock breaking going on over the road, thus I'm not sleeping.
I am now eagerly awaiting the next modern US figure in 1/16 scale, just so I can do this again. If there is demand for it, I'll document my next build and post a sbs article here.
thanks, and best regards