A fairly easy conversion, no? Lots of surplus rear axles available from busted trucks. Find a driveshaft and set to with a cutting torch, later today I am going to go take some pictures of a couple of half-tracks I know personally that served time post-war in the lumber industry in Maine. At least two DAK POW camps in the Maine lumber industry as well. I will take pictures of the drive line for sure. I bet there is at least one modeling soft-skinner eyeballing this conversion
BUTA-Back Up, Try Again. -an Unemployed Professional Procrastinating Perfectionist
Civilian M746 tractor (WardLaFrance) and some trailer used by 'Aircraft Recovery Group" in Franklin Park (Cook county) Illinois
I happened to find the image while Googling for M746 (see thread about M747 trailer by Minimanfactory). If we all start wishing for a model of the M746 maybe our combined mental energies will convince the Cosmic Powers that the world needs one ....
/ Robin
In memory of Al Superczynski:
"Build what YOU want, the way YOU want to....
and the critics will flame you every time"
Maine, United States Joined: May 05, 2015
KitMaker: 117 posts
Armorama: 113 posts