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Anyhow so what do you think, (constructive feedback is always welcomed)........honest

Well, I will not comment on accuracy of the kit - I alread did it in my very long article on my web page

You've chosen to build this model OOTB and it is just as good way to do it as any!
You did a really good job on this model

, so I will add just some small constructive comments - you can make your model look a bit more natural by adding a few details:
- with Alice packs and other bags it is not obvious, but water can looks strange just glued to the armor without any straps holding it. Try adding some from aluminum foil.
- spare wheel on the front armor also should be attached somehow - maybe add some thin wire?
- ammo cans on the rear left side of the hull - they should also be strapped to the armor. In reality they are held in place by rubber straps and metal holders, but any piece of strap made of foil (going vertically through the middle of each ammo box) will improve their look.
I noticed that you fogot to attach one part - there should be a protective metal shield above tank commander's periscopes on the turret.
I also suggest you change the position of TC's hatch - it cannot be locked in the position you showed on your model. You have to either put it vertically or open much wider. Gunner's hatch can be only fully open or fully closed.
Also if possible, set the gun of your Bradley horizontally. This way you can hide the most obvious error Tamiya made - in reality only the small section of armor above and below the gun barrel move with it, armor plates on both sides of the gun do not move.