Thanks guys for your kind words and input.
Captain94; The fenders were all straight and quite thick. I sanded them down a bit and held a lighter close until they started to soften ... not burn... and dented them with the handle of my knife. The camera I use is a Medion, 4.1 MPs. It was a lot cheaper than any of the big brand names when i bought it 1.5 years ago. Half price of most of them actually. It has close up features, but the biggest improvement made was getting a tri-pod. I set on close up and flash and focusing is automatic. Direction is central. I use bulb setting and increase/decrease the exposure depending on what colour the vehicle is. Something this light, I decrease the exposure as the picture gets very bright, but for an olive drab model I increase the exposure. The exposure is my latest finding to improve pictures. Im no expert on cameras or photography.. but I kept playing with it until I got settings i liked. Maybe you could ask me more specific questions.. and I could help you more! Also i have 5 bulb lights from different angles and always use the blue background .... an old blue-bed sheet stretched over cardboard and taped at the back!
The zimmerit for the turret comes seperate ... and could be made as Ronald suggested with no zimmerit on the turret, but it would have to be sanded off the mantlet and escape hatch. I took the lazy way out.
Paint is coming up ... dark yellow and olive green camo. Will post again when I get to that stage! Cheers!