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That doesn't depict an officer training course. If it did, there would be four figures pointing in different directions showing which way is North. Ask Gino.
Oh dear...
Hey, Joe! I LIKE your photo of Abe Reles- Are you from Brooklyn..?
I guess you forgot our PM conversation, Dennis.
Of course I'm from Brooklyn. Who else would know about the leader of the Brownsville Boys? I'm an old Dupont Streeter from Greenpernt, from the other (good
) side of McCarren Park. You being a Northside guy, we should meet up at the Turkey's Nest on Bedford & N. 12th for a couple of cold ones the next time you're in the neighborhood. I was going to invite you for a chow mein sandwich and an egg cream
at the Greek's on Bedford & Lorimer, across from Mike's Pool Hall by McCarren; unfortunately, both closed years ago. So did Goodman's (Sept. 24th), Stop Inn (1986), Gerke's (1994), Von Dohlen's and New Garden.
Ahhh, "Da GOOD Ol' Days! Moiduh, Incawporated!"
Wow, take me back to my childhood! All those GREAT old places! Boy do I ever remember those HOT, HOT, HOT Summer days at McCarren Park! My Cousin George and I also used to "hoof it" down to the docks on the East River to watch the Ships and Tugs, and watch the BEDT (Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal) Crews handle the Freight Cars that had just been off-loaded from the Barges- Pfizer, Domino Sugar, Texaco Tank Cars, YOU NAME IT!!!
I can remember some of my very first models were bought for me by my parents down at the Woolworth's on Manhattan Avenue, and also at the Woolworth's underneath the Jamaica Avenue Line El, just a short way up from Havermeyer Street!
I think I would KILL for a knish, right about now. Is Vinny's Pizza still around..? Or Holy Ghost Ukrainian Catholic Church on North 5th, between Bedford and Driggs? PS 17..? Automotive High School..?
We lived at 78 Berry Street, between North 9th and North 10th... I heard that the old neighborhood has become a REAL YUPPIE place, now... Sad, they have NO IDEA of what they missed...